Художествена галерия – Стара Загора има дълга история, която започва с идеята за създаване на колекция от картини към археологическото дружество „Августа Траяна” през 1908 година. Благодарение на Антон Митов и Васил Маринов с подкрепата на Атанас Гюдженов и с даренията на старозагорски художници като Никола Стоенчев, Евгения Илиева, Васил Димов, Васил Костакев. С техните творби се поставя начало на малка колекция, която с годините се разраства и се сформира „картинен отдел” към Историческия музей в града. През 1958 година с решение на Общинския съвет, се поставя началото на Градската художествена галерия като самостоятелна културна институция, а от 1960 година е представена пред обществеността нейната първа постоянна експозиция. Колекцията на Галерията включва живопис, графика, скулптура, икони и приложни изкуства. В нейните фондове се съхраняват над 5000 произведения на българското изобразително изкуство. В колекцията и експозициите на Галерията специално място заемат редица старозагорски художници сред които Васил Маринов, Димитър Гюдженов, Никола Кожухаров, Никола Аръшев, Марио Жеков, Николай Евров, Димитър Караджов, Петър Славов, Олга Брадистилова, Господин Георгиев, Руси Карабиберов, Димитър Куманов, Иван Попчев, Янаки Кавръков и др.
През годините нейната активна изложбена и културна дейност се свързва с две емблематични сгради. Първата е старата сграда на БНБ, в която се помества Галерията като културна институция след 1977 година и остава там до края на 1990-те години, а втората е емблематичната сграда на града построена през 1934 година като Градски хали и превърнала се след 2000 година в Художествена галерия.
1. Balkan Quadrennial of Painting „Myths and Legends of My People“, which takes place in the city of Stara Zagora, is a contemporary art competition
2. The event takes place every four years, with the first edition dating to 2004.
3. This December 2024, will be conducted the sixth edition of Balkan Quadrennial of Painting.
4. The Quadrennial is accessible to painters from different cultural backgrounds who comply with the terms of this statement.
1. The facilitators of the Balkan Quadrennial of Painting „Myths and Legends of My People“ are City Art Gallery – Stara Zagora, Municipality of Stara Zagora, Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Culture, Association of the Bulgarian Artists.
2. Balkan Quadrennial of Painting is held under the protection of the Mayor of Municipality of Stara Zagora
3. An Organizing Committee will be established and approved by the Mayor of the Municipality of Stara Zagora. The Committee would coordinate with the City Art Gallery – Stara Zagora, the Municipality of Stara Zagora, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, and the Association of Bulgarian Artists. The organization’s management would be carried out by the Art Gallery of Stara Zagora and its partners.
4. All activities involving the planning and execution are funded by a pre- approved budget, as well as additional support from sponsors and advertisers.
5. The committee responsible for selecting the artworks and awarding authors will be chosen by the Association of Bulgarian Artists. It would include representatives from the Municipality of Stara Zagora and the Association of Bulgarian Artists.
6. The exhibition of the selected and nominated artworks is going to take place at the City Art Gallery in Stara Zagora in December 2024.
7. The facilitators of the Balkan Quadrennial would be publish a catalogue with the selected and nominated artworks.
1.Grate reward includes: Award, (Plastic „The Painter“ by Alexander Kozarov /1954-2000/), a diploma, a private exhibition in Art Gallery of Stara Zagora in the following year, and a grant of 5000 BGN (€2,500).
2. The award of the Municipality of Stara Zagora includes: a diploma and a grant of 3000 BGN (€1,500).
3. Six awards from the sponsors with a total amount of 16 000 BGN (€ 8,000).
1. Painters from all countries, who accept the conditions of this statement, have the right to participate in the Balkan Quadrennial.
2. Common language Bulgarian and English.
3. The deadline is 10th of November, 2024. Till that date, all artworks should be shipped to the address of the Art Gallery.
Address: City Art Gallery – Stara Zagora, postcode 6000, Ruski Blvd., Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
For further questions and inquiries: tel. +359 42 622843
Exhibition activity coordinator Juliana Gutova tel. +359 876 143440, email: djuliana.gutova@artgallerystz.com
4. Every participant should submit no more than two paintings.
5.. All works of art should be original oil paintings. The copyright of all artworks should belong to the author.
6. The dimensions of the artworks should not exceed 150 cm.
7. Please note that we only accept paintings. The artist is free to choose the technique and materials.
8. The name, year of creation, and technique must be written on the back of the artwork in English.
9. The authors should submit their work along with a fill-out participation form, which may also be submitted in free form. The participation form should have the following dimensions:
– full name
– date of birth
– accurate address, telephone number and email address
– every author should indicate if they donate one’s artwork/artworks to the collection of City Art Gallery- Stara Zagora or to be returned after the end of the Quadrennial.
– filling out a declaration of the Personal Data Protection Act**.
10. The author can send the artworks by mail or deliver them in person at their own expense.
11. The facilitators are not responsible for transporting artworks that is sent to incorrect location.
12. The facilitators do not guarantee the security of the artworks. Please note that facilitators are not responsible for any lost or damaged canvases during transportation.
13. Participants from Bulgaria can either collect their artworks from the Art Gallery or have them delivered by mail within 45 days after the exhibition ends. A delay in the return may occur due to the exhibition mobility in different Art Galleries in the country or abroad. In this case, the facilitators will proceed to inform the participants accordingly.
14. Not declared as donations artworks would be returned within four (4) months after the end of the exhibition. A delay in the return may occur due to the exhibition mobility in different Art Galleries in the country or abroad. In this case, the facilitators will proceed to inform the participants accordingly.***
15. Each participant in the Balkan Quadrennial will receive a catalogue and a certificate for participation.
16. A full list of all participants and their artwork will be available on the Gallery’s website.
17. The Organizing committee of the Balkan Quadrennial of Painting retains the right to reproduce the nominated artworks and publish them solely for the event.
18. The terms and conditions of participation, the forms of participation, and additional information about the organization, as well as the selection of awarded works, will be publicly announced on the Gallery’s website.: www.artgallerystz.com.
* Participants will not receive personal notifications. After the judging, the results will be publicly announced on the Gallery’s website.
** The authors give consent for their data to be used by the facilitators of the Balkan Painting Quadriennale “Myths and Legends of My People” 2024 solely for purposes of the event.
*** The facilitators cover all expenses regarding the exhibition’s mobilities in other Art galleries in the country or abroad.